Watch Koko Win Big When He Visits The Epic Giant Human Claw Machine In Bali!

By Koko's Fun Klub | Feb 15, 2023
Koko takes you on adventures in Bali. Watch as he blows everyone away with his awesome score in the giant human claw machine in Bali! He also gets to experience a Chinese Lion-Barongsai dance and an epic silly string fight! So much fun to be had.

@kokosfunklub takes you all over Bali, visiting cool places with his family. Koa also shares cultural experiences and acts of kindness to make the world a better place. Please subscribe and follow along.

Koa includes some Indonesian Bahasa words for you to learn as well: Enak Sekali #enaksekali which means very yummy and Sampai Jumpai #sampaijumpa which means See You (goodbye). Also Koa talks about the Gayung a #gayung is used for showering and helping to flush the toilet in Indonesia.

RELEVANT HASHTAGS: #bali #balikids #baliwithkids #kokosfunklub #koko #gianthumanclawmachine #thingstodoinbali #balilife #balilifestyle #BaliAdventures #BaliWithKids #FunInBali #TravelVlog #GiantHumanClawMachine #HumanClawMachine #ClawMachineWin #CulturalExperience #ActOfKindness #KokosFunKlub #BaliIndonesia #SillyStringFight #LionBarongsaiDance #FamilyTravel #ExploreBali #BaliFun #TravelWithKids

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